good governance business environment education employment roma integration taxation welfare

End dateProject title
31/03/2026 Investigating cumulative and structural forms of discrimination against Roma
30/06/2024 Evaluation of "CRIS -Cooperate, Reach Out, Integrate Services" project
30/04/2024 How can Public Employment Services provide digital services to vulnerable jobseekers?
31/12/2023 Civil Roma Monitoring on the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies 2021
30/11/2023 Cost-benefit analysis of the economic benefits of validation
01/08/2023 Take-up and labour supply response to disability insurance earnings limits
30/11/2022 Impact of drastic cuts in accessing insured benefits on health and labour market outcomes
30/06/2022 Impact evaluation of youth employment measures
10/06/2022 How to improve the labour market outcomes of women in Hungary?
15/05/2022 How does the online job advertising market reflect current labour market trends?
04/03/2022 Mapping PES responses to labour market discrimination
28/02/2022 Designing effective policies to support the labour market (re)integration of inactive people with disabilities
22/11/2021 The effects of COVID-19 on labour market and policy making – the 2021 issue of The Hungarian Labour Market
30/10/2021 What can public employment services do to support the most vulnerable jobseekers?
30/08/2021 Assessment of inclusive entrepreneurship policies in Hungary
01/06/2021 How can public employment services adapt their offer to the goals of the reinforced Youth Guarantee Program?
15/05/2021 Skills and labour market outcomes in Hungary: evidence from the PIAAC survey
31/12/2020 Developing services to open eyes and career opportunities for low skilled Roma youth
20/12/2020 Developing methodology to measure the returns on investment from integrated social assistance schemes
30/11/2020 Evidence about the links between health and employment status during COVID-19 – the 2020 issue of “The Hungarian Labour Market”
30/11/2020 Lifelong learning, re- and upskilling of the workforce to prevent unemployment
30/10/2020 The role of PES in reducing skills shortages through talent recruitment from outside the EU
31/12/2019 Facilitating access to and take up of Youth Guarantee measures by young Roma in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania
30/08/2019 Evaluation of innovative employment programmes for Roma in six Eastern European countries
01/08/2019 Monitoring and evaluation of complex housing and employment services in the Visegrad countries
01/07/2019 Identification of possible indicators for measuring early intervention during unemployment spells
30/06/2019 Capacity-building for Roma civil society and strengthening its role in the monitoring of National Roma Integration Strategies
30/06/2019 The future role of labour inspectorates in Europe
31/05/2019 Elaboration of a quality index of active labour market policy implementation
30/11/2018 Expert support for the new European PES Network
26/11/2018 Young people in education and in the labour market – a book on the Hungarian labour market
30/09/2018 Constructing indicators to measure PES efforts at the early activation of jobseekers
31/05/2018 An intensive meeting package may be effective in early activation
30/04/2018 Development of Public Employment Services in the Western Balkans
10/03/2018 Identifying factors that determine the success of service integration reforms
20/01/2018 The role of PES in outreach to the inactive population
31/12/2017 Comprehensive overview of youth policies in Hungary
30/06/2017 Girls can do it – Supporting non-traditional career choices of women in vocational education
15/06/2017 Improving childcare policies in the CEE/CIS region
31/12/2016 Mapping and sensitisation training to fight stereotypes about Roma people – A corporate pilot project
30/11/2016 Assessing the performance of Public Employment Services
15/08/2016 PES practices for activating vulnerable jobseekers
31/07/2016 Cross-country study on the basic income security and health protection systems in Central and Eastern Europe
31/12/2015 The incentive effects of sickness abscence compensation: analysis of a "natural experiment" in Eastern Europe
15/11/2015 What works in wage subsidies for young people: A review of issues, theory, policies and evidence
25/10/2015 Immigration helps the career of native workers
02/08/2015 What kind of remedial interventions work for the long-term unemployed?
01/08/2015 The role of vocational education and training in reducing school drop-out rates
15/06/2015 Inspiring practices in inclusive entrepreneurship policy in Hungary
15/04/2015 Changes in the Hungarian welfare model
03/04/2015 Service integration reforms in Europe
28/02/2015 Political barriers to welfare reform
28/02/2015 Cohesion challenges in Central and Eastern Europe
30/11/2014 Policy workshops for V4 think tanks
15/11/2014 PES to PES dialogue in Europe
31/10/2014 Surveying the impact of working time rules
13/08/2014 Lessons learnt from Kiút microfinance programme
30/06/2014 Unit cost calculation methodology and implementation
16/06/2014 Analysis of the PES business model in Europe
31/03/2014 Developing a monitoring system for NGOs providing employment rehabilitation services
31/03/2014 Labour supply of households with a disabled member
02/03/2014 The budgetary effects of a hypothetical health intervention
15/01/2014 European Employment Strategy: Mutual Learning Programme
01/10/2013 Evaluation of active labour market policy measures
31/07/2013 Evaluation of the Roma inclusion impact of two mainstream EU funded employment programmes
31/12/2012 Developing the local community and economy
26/12/2012 The evolution of day care provision for children under 4 in Visegrad countries
05/08/2012 Review of the performance management system of the Hungarian Public Employment Service
30/06/2012 Estimating the impact of targeted wage subsidies
01/06/2012 Two decades of Hungarian employment policies
30/04/2012 Evaluation of youth employment in Hungary
29/03/2012 How to reduce permanent poverty in Hungary
31/12/2011 Evaluation of a microcredit programme in Hungary ('Kiút' programme)
30/08/2011 Efficiency of municipal public works programmes
20/08/2011 The administrative burden on employment
01/07/2011 Cost benefit analysis of active and passive measures for the unemployed
31/05/2011 Ageing policy and HR practice - recent developments in Hungary
30/04/2011 Roma integration in the European Union and in Hungary
07/02/2011 The efficiency of employment rehabilitation schemes in Hungary
11/10/2010 Costs and benefits of day-care for small children
25/05/2010 Evaluation of the modernisation of the Hungarian Public Employment Service
19/12/2009 Measuring undeclared work
01/09/2009 Arguments for a regionally differentiated minimum wage
15/06/2009 Impact analysis of increasing day care capacity for children aged 1-3
20/03/2009 Monitoring system for employment rehabilitation services
20/03/2009 Feasibility study of the impact assessment of the START wage-subsidy programmes
17/11/2008 Flexicurity - background study for the Hungarian delegation at the 2008 Cambridge Review