good governance business environment education employment roma integration taxation welfare

End dateProject title
31/03/2026 Investigating cumulative and structural forms of discrimination against Roma
01/05/2025 Trends in wealth inequality, wealth accumulation and household wealth composition in the EU
31/12/2024 Cost-benefit analysis of the deinstitutionalisation of a care home for the mentally handicapped
30/06/2024 Evaluation of "CRIS -Cooperate, Reach Out, Integrate Services" project
31/12/2023 Civil Roma Monitoring on the implementation of national Roma inclusion strategies 2021
01/08/2023 Take-up and labour supply response to disability insurance earnings limits
05/06/2023 Ending Homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe: Making the shift to a housing-led system
31/12/2022 Creating socially balanced kindergarten districts in the 8th district of Budapest
30/12/2022 Mapping services for Ukrainian refugee children in Hungary
30/11/2022 Impact of drastic cuts in accessing insured benefits on health and labour market outcomes
10/06/2022 How to improve the labour market outcomes of women in Hungary?
28/02/2022 Designing effective policies to support the labour market (re)integration of inactive people with disabilities
28/02/2022 Measuring discrimination against the Roma in public services
30/01/2022 Assessing the redistributive effects of income taxation in Hungary
22/11/2021 The effects of COVID-19 on labour market and policy making – the 2021 issue of The Hungarian Labour Market
30/10/2021 What can help Hungarian local authorities to develop well-functioning social housing agencies?
31/03/2021 Status report and recommendations concerning the social services strategy of the 7th district of Budapest
20/12/2020 Developing methodology to measure the returns on investment from integrated social assistance schemes
15/12/2020 Designing a minimum income scheme for a Budapest district
30/11/2020 Evidence about the links between health and employment status during COVID-19 – the 2020 issue of “The Hungarian Labour Market”
31/08/2020 The impact of punitive penal policy on sentencing and its budgetary impact
20/05/2020 Evaluating the ESF Social Inclusion Thematic Objective in Hungary
30/08/2019 Evaluation of innovative employment programmes for Roma in six Eastern European countries
01/08/2019 Monitoring and evaluation of complex housing and employment services in the Visegrad countries
31/07/2019 What can Hungarian local municipalities do to improve the living condition of seniors?
31/03/2019 Cost estimates of expanding basic social services
31/12/2018 Development of municipal social services in North Macedonia
10/03/2018 Identifying factors that determine the success of service integration reforms
15/06/2017 Improving childcare policies in the CEE/CIS region
30/10/2016 Designing the monitoring system of a mentoring programme
15/08/2016 PES practices for activating vulnerable jobseekers
31/07/2016 Cross-country study on the basic income security and health protection systems in Central and Eastern Europe
28/01/2016 Evaluating the application of the EU Directive on the equal treatment for men and women in social security
10/12/2015 How can the rehabilitation of traumatised refugees be made sustainable in Hungary?
30/11/2015 Cost-benefit analysis of family day-care facility networks
15/05/2015 Innovative ways to reduce benefit non-take-up
15/04/2015 Changes in the Hungarian welfare model
03/04/2015 Service integration reforms in Europe
28/02/2015 Political barriers to welfare reform
28/02/2015 Cohesion challenges in Central and Eastern Europe
30/11/2014 The price of incarceration
31/03/2014 Developing a monitoring system for NGOs providing employment rehabilitation services
31/03/2014 Labour supply of households with a disabled member
02/03/2014 The budgetary effects of a hypothetical health intervention
31/01/2014 Social Platform on Innovative Social Services
30/09/2013 Financing welfare services – international best practices and options for Hungary
30/03/2013 Expanding daycare for children in Hungary
20/03/2013 Quantitative evaluation of healthcare investments
31/12/2012 Developing the local community and economy
26/12/2012 The evolution of day care provision for children under 4 in Visegrad countries
01/06/2012 Two decades of Hungarian employment policies
29/03/2012 How to reduce permanent poverty in Hungary
31/12/2011 Evaluation of a microcredit programme in Hungary ('Kiút' programme)
16/10/2011 Tightening early pension schemes - theory and best practice
15/10/2011 Indicators for measuring social exclusion
30/08/2011 Efficiency of municipal public works programmes
01/07/2011 Cost benefit analysis of active and passive measures for the unemployed
30/04/2011 Roma integration in the European Union and in Hungary
01/04/2011 Replacing institutions: welfare provisions for mentally disabled people
07/02/2011 The efficiency of employment rehabilitation schemes in Hungary
11/10/2010 Costs and benefits of day-care for small children
15/06/2010 Impact assessment methods of inclusion programmes for children: a review
15/06/2009 Impact analysis of increasing day care capacity for children aged 1-3
03/04/2009 Steps towards a sustainable welfare system in Hungary
20/03/2009 Monitoring system for employment rehabilitation services
17/11/2008 Flexicurity - background study for the Hungarian delegation at the 2008 Cambridge Review