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Review of the performance management system of the Hungarian Public Employment Service

The Hungarian National Labour Office (NLO) introduced a new system of management by objectives (MBO) for the network of job centres in 2005, in order to foster the provision of services that are tailored to local needs.

The project reviews the existing system in light of the recent changes in the institutional setup of the NLO and the PES network in order to identify the areas where the MBO needs to be adjusted. A further aim is to develop new indicators in conformity with the common framework of the EU 2020 strategy. In cooperation with the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of Germany, we also develop a clustering method that allows the NLO to compare the performance local job centres.

Project details
ClientNational Labour Office
Project leader Ágota Scharle
Duration01/04/2012 - 05/08/2012