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Assessing the performance of Public Employment Services

The ICON Institute was contracted by the European Commission to support the recently established network of Public Employment Services (PES) by developing and implementing a so called bench-learning system for assessing performance and sharing best practice among European PES. BI experts Márton Csillag and Ágota Scharle have been invited to join the core team of the project.

In the first phase of the project, BI expert Márton Csillag (together with Michael Fertig) prepared a report that analysed alternative remedial interventions for the long-term unemployed.

In the second phase, Ágota Scharle participated in the review of the performance of the Hungarian Public Employment Service. Conducted by a team of independent experts, these reviews take place in each Member State during 2015 and 2016 and will form the basis of the bench-learning system. The process included a self-assessment of the PES, document analysis, a visit to a local job centre and consultations with experts of the line ministry. Ágota Scharle prepared a report summarising the assessment of the team. 

Project details
ClientICON Institute (Germany)
Project leader Márton Csillag
Duration22/02/2015 - 30/11/2016