good governance business environment education employment roma integration taxation welfare

End dateProject title
30/04/2024 Local governance in Hungary and adaptation of the European Local Financial Benchmark
15/01/2024 External evaluation of the regional good governance platform in Balkan and EU countries
28/02/2023 Supporting local initiatives to enhance participatory governance in Hungary
31/12/2022 Creating socially balanced kindergarten districts in the 8th district of Budapest
30/04/2022 Types of political influence in local governance – international and domestic experiences
28/02/2022 Measuring discrimination against the Roma in public services
30/10/2021 What can help Hungarian local authorities to develop well-functioning social housing agencies?
15/09/2021 Evaluation of the Advocacy Coalition Pilot Programme of the Polgár Foundation for Equal Opportunities
31/12/2020 Business benefits resulting from enhanced civil freedom in the CEE region
31/12/2020 Best-practices for a positive business environment in the OSCE area
30/06/2020 Measuring tax administrative costs and the corresponding business attitudes in Hungary
28/02/2020 Support for the Private Sector Development – Background Study on Governance for Hungary Diagnostics
31/07/2019 What can Hungarian local municipalities do to improve the living condition of seniors?
28/02/2019 Improving the transparency of Hungarian municipalities
31/12/2018 Development of municipal social services in North Macedonia
31/12/2018 Assessment of the direct social costs of criminalizing homelessness in Hungary
25/09/2018 Scenario analysis of the environment of Amnesty International in Hungary
31/12/2017 Access to anonymised administrative data for the purposes of research and policy analysis
31/03/2017 Transparency and public disclosure practices of publicly owned enterprises in Hungary
01/03/2017 Transparency of municipality owned enterprises in the Visegrad countries
31/12/2016 Institutional measures to promote Open Government in Hungary
30/11/2016 Administrative costs of imprisonment due to non-payment of regulatory offense fines
12/10/2016 The Impact of Cohesion Policy on Corruption and Political Favouritism
31/07/2015 Transparency of the central government budget – the Hungarian state-of-play
28/02/2015 Political barriers to welfare reform
31/12/2014 Social Policy Experimentation: infosession and training
16/06/2014 Analysis of the PES business model in Europe
15/04/2014 Competition enhancing effects of the reduction of entry-related administrative burdens
15/04/2014 Expected effects of regulatory changes on the Hungarian textbook market
01/04/2013 Impact assessment of an EU-funded measure for SME development
20/03/2013 Quantitative evaluation of healthcare investments
28/02/2013 Public administration reform in Visegrad Countries: Lessons for Belarus and Ukraine
31/10/2012 Budget requirements for Hungary implementing UN’s Protocol to the Convention against Torture
01/06/2012 Transparency and accountability of public procurement in V4 countries
20/08/2011 The administrative burden on employment
24/06/2011 Estimating the impact of policy interventions in healthcare
31/05/2011 Midterm synthesis evaluation of the Operative Programmes (2007-2013) in Hungary - Business development (quality control)
31/08/2010 Workshops on the long-term aspects of energy security in Hungary and the region
15/06/2010 Impact assessment methods of inclusion programmes for children: a review