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Assessing the strategic importance of business environment development in the Post Lisbon Strategy

The Budapest Institute was commissioned by the National Development Agency to conduct a background research and provide expert consultations in the following areas: the strategic importance of developing the business environment in the framework of the Post Lisbon Strategy; facts and results of the reform steps in this field in the period 2005-2008; potential follow up in the after 2010 period; competitiveness factors related to the development of the business environment.

With this project we strived to provide high-quality, evidence-based support to the preparation and launch of the Hungarian EU presidency in 2011.

Project details
ClientNational Development Agency
Project leader Petra Edina Reszkető
Duration02/09/2009 - 01/04/2011
Background material for the development of Hungarian stance on the Post-Lisbon Strategy (in Hungarian)
Hungarian stance on the Post-Lisbon Strategy (appendices in Hungarian)
Hungarian stance on the Post-Lisbon Strategy (presentation in Hungarian)