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Feasibility Study for Evaluating the Effect of Sure Start Programme using Administrative Data

This study examines whether a quantitative impact evaluation, based on individual level data available in 2023 is possible for the Hungarian Sure Start Programme that targets children aged 1-3.

The greatest issue is that the only population-level data on children’s development between age 2-6 which is collected based on a uniform methodology are health visitors’ reports. However, these are not focussed on cognitive and communication skills, nor socialisation. 

We also discuss that the definition of ’treatment’ is not straightforward, while finding a suitable control group is possible using a multi-step statistical matching procedure. Finally, it is essential for practical reasons that Sure Start programme staff collect detailed data on participants, including parents’ informed consent enabling data linkage.    

Project details

A Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Gyerekesély-kutató csoportjának felkérésére készítettük a megvalósíthatósági tanulmányt. 


HUN-REN Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont, Gyerekesély-Kutató Csoport
Project leader Márton Csillag
Duration30/03/2023 - 30/06/2023
summary Executive summary (in Hungarian)