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The role of vocational education and training in reducing school drop-out rates

Early school leaving affects students in the vocational education and training (VET) the most, since this branch of the education sector has the highest ratio of students dropping out of school without attaining a qualification. In this project we review the most important changes to the VET sector of the previous years in Hungary. We pay special attention to those reforms that potentially influence early leaving from VET schools. You can access the final report here.

Complementary to the review, the report presents two measures implemented in Hungary, which have successfully reintegrated students threatened by dropping out (or who have already dropped out) into the school environment. Based on evaluation reports, the Springboard (‘Dobbantó’) and the Integrated Pedagogical System (‘Integrált Pedagógiai Rendszer’) are among the most effective initiatives that have helped students acquire the necessary skills to complete vocational education. You can assess the country fiche here.

The report is part of EU-wide research that aims at 1) reviewing the most important policy changes in Europe in the field of VET and 2) presenting and studying the transferability of successful initiatives that aimed at tackling early school-leaving. The main client of the project is the Cedefop (Centre for the Development of Vocational  Training).

Project details
ClientInner City Fund International (ICFI)
Project leader Balázs Váradi
Duration01/05/2015 - 01/08/2015