Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Interns can expect to have hands-on experience in ongoing projects and to be supervised by senior researchers.
BI is seeking to hire an analyst / junior analyst (2025)
Please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Ms Vera Balogh (vera.balogh@budapestinstitute.eu) as soon as possible, but by 12 January 2025, the latest.
Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Interns can expect to have hands-on experience in ongoing projects and be supervised by senior researchers.
BI is seeking to hire an analyst / junior analyst (2023)
Please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Ms Vera Balogh (vera.balogh@budapestinstitute.eu) as soon as possible, but by 3 October 2023 the latest.
How to end homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe?
On September 18th, 2023, World Habitat organized a launch event to unveil the findings of a feasibility study titled, 'Ending Homelessness in Central and Eastern Europe: Making the shift to a housing-led system.' The study, carried out in collaboration of the Budapest Institute and the Metropolitan Research Institute, provides insights into the region's homelessness crisis.
How to reduce ethnic discrimination in the new platform economy? Experimental evidence from Hungary
At the IMISCOE annual conference, Bori Simonovits presented the latest results of a series of online field experiments carried out on two online platforms between 2020-2022.
Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Interns can expect to have hands-on experience in ongoing projects and be supervised by senior researchers.
What are the pre-conditions of good, data-driven public policy research? What can researchers learn from public policy-makers?
Budapest Institute researcher Petra Edina Reszkető will take part in the Practice Panel of the International Research Society for Public Management conference organized on April 4th 2023 in Budapest.
What theories predict about the effectiveness of anti-discrimination measures
The applicability of policy measures to tackle empolyment discrimination may depend largely on the underlying factors of discriminatory practices.
Several civil members have not approved the first progress report of the Anticorruption Task Force
For the detailed open comments and justification of the non-approval put forward by some members of the Anticorruption Task Force, see here (in Hungarian).
Young entrepreneurs - How to help young people in starting a business and what are the effective policy incentives?
The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) announced the launch of the Youth Entrepreneurship Policy Academy (YEPA). This new initiative aims to strengthen youth entrepreneurship policies and programmes by giving platform for knowledge sharing and policy learning among governmental and non-governmental experts from the field both in the EU and OECD countries.
EU cohesion policy, access to EU development funds – the panacea for all, or the trigger for (further) problems?
Petra Edina Reszkető, senior researcher at BI, gave a guest lecture to MA students of the Hertie School in Berlin on EU cohesion policy and the policy challenges of using EU development funds in Hungary.
Mothers need public childcare – and also fathers’ help to go back to work
If there are more places in daycare centres, mothers with young children go back to work sooner, but there are further barriers to returning to work. These were the main issues that Judit Krekó and Ágota Scharle discussed in their interview for Qubit (in Hungarian).
Petra Reszkető set minimum conditions for Anti-Corruption Working Group in open letter before inaugural meeting
In accordance with the provisions of Act XXVII of 2022 on the Control of the Use of EU Budgetary Resources, the Integrity Authority established the Anti-Corruption Working Group, and appointed Petra Reszkető from the Budapest Institute as a member, who had already set conditions for her membership when she applied.
Registered jobseekers have very poor skills
Registered jobseekers in Hungary have very poor skills; only one in four have the right skills to be easily reemployed.
How did the labour market cope with the coronavirus pandemic? The Hungarian Labour Market 2020 was published.
While the main labour market indicators recovered quickly after the coronavirus pandemic, a number of longer-term effects remained. This is one of the main conclusions of the new Hungarian Labour Market-the COVID-19 Pandemic, with the contributions of several BI researchers.
The role of transparency in self-governance and the possibilities of community participation on local level
In Pécs, Petra Edina Reszkető talked about the advantages and challenges of open and participatory budgeting.
Civil society lost around 200,000 donors in the 1% tax scheme – we explored the reasons
This year, the number of taxpayers who named an NGO to receive 1% of their income tax dropped by more than 200 000 compared to the previous year. What is a good strategy for reaching potential donors?
How to help young people in becoming entrepreneurs?
Complex and personalised support is particularly important for young people. Training can mitigate the disadvantages of lack of education and experience, but needs to be complemented with mentoring and the development of soft skills.
How to create opportunities for self-employment and entrepreneurship among disadvantaged groups?
The key to effective policies promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship is to give everyone a chance to realise their own ideas - whether they are young people starting out from disadvantaged backgrounds, mothers with young children or Roma. At the same time, incentives must be tailored to individual needs and go beyond financial support.
The charm of participatory budgeting - opportunities and risks
Participatory budgeting may contribute to strengthening democratic legitimation, but various challanges may arise with regard to its implementation.
BI is seeking to hire an analyst / junior analyst (2022)
Please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Ms Vera Balogh (vera.balogh@budapestinstitute.eu) as soon as possible, but by 20 September the latest.
What lessons can we gain through European minimum income schemes?
What are the reasons for the phenomenon of one not taking-up-the minimum income benefit one is entitled to across Europe? And for those who take it, is it relevant whether or not they receive it under integrated social assistance schemes?
How to improve the access to public data on EU funds allocation?
In a post published on the guest blog of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, the Budapest Institute presents the results of its quick assessment on the quality of government data relevant to the analysis of the use of EU funds by local governments in Hungary.
To be effective, the Youth Guarantee should address the specific needs of mothers with small children
In many countries, mothers with small children make up a large share of inactive young people. While they may not be immediately ready for work, tailored labour market programmes (and access to quality childcare) can improve their labour market prospects in the long term.
Can increasing local cooperation improve outreach to inactive youth?
Workshops for employment counsellors and local experts may strengthen motivation and provide inspiration on how to reach out to inactive youth.
Effectiveness of youth labour market policies in Central and Eastern Europe
CEE countries have used similar active labour market policies to reduce youth unemployment and face similar issues in improving the design of these policies.
Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Based on our past experience, application to our internship programme is highly competitive.
BI analysis of the redistributive impact of Hungarian tax system making headlines
In Hungary, the flat-rate income tax system includes no tax credit or zero rate that would reduce the tax burden of low-income households. The family tax credit does not play a significant role, as it tends to favour high income families with 3 or more children.
"Hack the City" – a hackathon for budget visualisation at the City Hall of Budapest
Making the budget of the Hungarian capital more widely known can also help to increase citizens' civic engagement. But presenting in a clear way what, how and for how much money the state and local government do with our taxes is quite a challenge.
Innovative practices of public employment services for the labour market integration of the long-term unemployed
In line with the recommendation of the Council of the EU, employment services across Europe consider the (re)integration of disadvantaged jobseekers into the labour market as one of their main tasks. But how do they implement this in the different Member States?
How does the Hungarian tax system affect income inequality?
Who are the winners and losers of the current Hungarian tax system? How much are we taxed compared to our Slovak and Austrian neighbours? What are the advantages and disadvantages of flat tax systems?
Why is it good for everyone if local authorities run social housing agencies?
It is not only the owners of vacant apartments and prospective tenants (who cannot afford market prices) who benefit from such agencies; it is also a cost-effective addition to the toolbox of municipal housing support.
What direction are inclusive entrepreneurship policies taking in Europe in the wake of COVID-19?
The economic crisis caused by the pandemic has further reduced the labour market opportunities of those already disadvantaged. It has got even more important to evaluate inclusive programmes helping them become entrepreneurs/self-employed.
What lessons can be learned from the employment development in Fejér County, Hungary?
What are the strategies for employment expansion, including the integration of youth into the labour market in Fejér County? Were young people living here able to find work more quickly during the COVID-19 lockdowns, compared to those settled in other counties in Hungary?
Call for papers on impact evaluations of ALMP for youth - international research seminar in Budapest, on 12-13 May 2022
The seminar aims to create a forum for analysts and policy-oriented academic researchers to have an in-depth discussion of the recent evidence on youth programmes. To apply, please fill in this form by 14 February 2022.
Overview of the situation of young people who are not in education, employment, or training in Hungary
Hungary has a high proportion of inactive young people, and their chances of entering the labour market has been made even worse by the COVID-19. What measures and programmes help them specifically? Are they effective?
How can youth employment be encouraged?
The evaluation of programmes targeting young jobseekers and other incentives for increasing youth employment were also discussed at the "Labour Economics Research 2021" Hungarian conference in Szirák.
Innovative methods for employment services to improve outreach to young people
Local NGOs may support public employment services in reaching young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and also by providing mentoring for youth or sensitization for employers.
BI is looking for a PhD student / young researcher to work on the topic of youth employment and labour market policy evaluation
Please send your CV and motivation letter (in English, outlining your research interest) to Ms Judit Léderer (judit.lederer@budapestinstitute.eu) by 30 November 2021.
Youth employment will also be highlighted at the "Labour Economics Research 2021" Hungarian conference in Szirák
What is the result of the impact evaluation of the 90-day job trial programme? How does the pandemic crisis affect disadvantaged young people’s labour market prospects? These will also be discussed at the new session of the conference.
Education systems in the region have room for improvement to successfully manage future changes
How global challenges impact on the education systems of Central and Eastern European countries? What policies can help prepare for them?
What impact can the 90-day job trial program have on participants’ job perspectives?
What is the impact of this short wage subsidy program on beneficiaries' further employment probability and wages? The results of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project were presented at the SEAM 2021 conference.
Where does the withdrawal of disability benefits lead?
Empirical research shows that the more generous the disability benefit system, the more likely it is that beneficiaries will increase the take-up of benefits and to exit the labor market. But what are the effects of an abrupt reduction in benefit or their being completely phased out upon the reemployment of those affected?
BI is seeking to hire an analyst / junior analyst
Please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Ms Vera Balogh (vera.balogh@budapestinstitute.eu) as soon as possible, but by 6 September the latest.
What can we learn from impact evaluations of labour market programmes supporting young people?
Judit Krekó has recently presented the lessons from the impact assessments of youth employment measures at two international conferences.
The reinforced Youth Guarantee Program necessitates new approaches and methods on behalf of the public employment services
How can young people from vulnerable backgrounds be involved in the reinforced Youth Guarantee (YG) Program? Can more effective cooperation between public employment services, schools, social service providers and other grassroots NGOs improve young jobseekers’ outreach, skills and mental health?
Why might the closer co-operation of labour market service and social service providers be cost-effective?
While only 5-10 percent of minimum income beneficiaries tends find a substantive job in a year, there are three cost-effective ways to increase this.
How to convince employers to hire low-skilled Roma youth?
Without encouragement and support, employers often shy away from hiring disadvantaged Roma youth. The Hopes for Low project developed an approach that combines mentoring with employer services to support low-skilled Roma youth in getting and keeping a job.
The pandemic increases the need for effective upskilling programmes
The COVID-19 pandemic might accelerate the automatisation of certain tasks at the workplace. This, in turn, will transform certain jobs, or cause them to vanish, even sooner than predicted. What kind of innovative upskilling programmes can public employment services (PES) provide to prevent unemployment in this difficult situation?
How can Europe compete with the US and other countries for the best experts?
In comparison to other OECD members, the EU is at a competitive disadvantage in attracting highly skilled talent, but intensifying common efforts and the more active involvement of Public Employment Services can improve this situation.
The 2020 EC Rule of Law Report mentions the disclosure practices of Hungarian municipalities
The European Commission cites the findings of a joint project carried out by BI and the Corruption Research Centre Budapest (CRCB) in the Country Chapter on Hungary in the 2020 Rule of Law Report. The chapter investigates media plurality in Hungary and warns that there are still several hindrances to accessing public information.
The Covid-19 pandemic could have a lasting effect throughout young people’s career
In Hungary, the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of registered jobseekers below 25 years of age by almost 60 percent from January until July 2020. There is also a significant risk that young persons leaving education this year will have a lower chance of securing their first jobs and successfully entering the labour market.
The pandemic puts youth in dire straits
There are 43% more young jobseekers in Hungary in May 2020 than in 2019, which can have long-term consequences on their career.
Tax administrative costs for a representative Hungarian company are far above the European average
Reducing tax administrative costs in the context of VAT, CIT and employment-related taxes would save a considerable amount of resources for Hungarian businesses – the findings of the study prepared by the Budapest Insitute suggest. The BI has run the project in partnership with Ernst & Young Hungary with the aim of supporting the Ministry of Finance in its effort to simplify the business taxation system in Hungary.
BI is seeking to hire an analyst / junior analyst
Please send your CV and a short motivation letter to Ms Judit Léderer (judit.lederer_at_budapestinstitute.eu) by 24 February.
“Mind the Gap!” Regional conference and workshop in Budapest
On October 30, 2019, the regional conference and workshop of the Mind the Gap! project took place in Budapest.
Economic benefits of rule of law and democracy
There is a widespread view that stronger democratic institutions and civil liberties also have a positive impact on economic performance. As a result, it would also be worthwhile for companies to support and invest in organizations and actors that protect civil liberties and democracy. However, the above relation is not that simple.
Meeting and workshop of the Youth Employment PartnerSHIP project in Budapest
The second meeting and workshop of the international project Youth Employment PartnerSHIP was held in Budapest on 23-24 May 2019.
Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Based on our past experience application to our internship programme is highly competitive.
Closer outpatient care reduces hospitalisation rates in Hungary
Our study on the impact of opening new outpatient centres in Hungary shows a substitution effect between outpatient and inpatient care.
Rehabilitation services: a viable alternative to sheltered employment
In a recently published paper, BI experts find that supported employment programmes can increase reemployment, based on the analysis of a program implemented in Hungary in 2009-2013.
High quality IT systems to improve coordination of employment and social services
Employment and social services need to be better coordinated to be able to support jobseekers in fast-changing labour markets.
The Budapest Institute expresses its solidarity with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The Budapest Institute expresses its full solidarity with our colleagues employed by the research institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and especially the Institute of Economics.
How can we use administrative data?
Although the Visegrad states have a tradition of extensive data collection, these data are seldom used to support evidence based policy. BI senior researcher Ágota Scharle talked about the causes and solutions in Prague on 27 April.
Summer Internship at the Budapest Institute
The Budapest Institute is looking for summer interns for at least 4-week periods. Based on our past experience application to our internship programme is highly competitive.
Drivers and barriers to integrating employment and social services
Integrated service provision is a challange for most EU member states. BI researchers present the main results of a project that explored drivers and barriers to effective reform at a conference in Brussels on 8 March 2018.
On the learning curve – still room to improve the transparency of municipality-owned enterprises in Szeged
Budapest Institute researcher Petra Reszkető presented our research results on the transparency of municipality owned enterprises in Szeged at the Academic Conference on Open Government on 18 November in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Where does the money come from and where does it go? – data visualization and transparency in budget spending
Data visualization can facilitate monitoring budget spendings, increasing local government’s efficiency and motivating citizens to participate in public decision making processes.
BI is seeking to hire a junior analyst
Knowledge of Hungarian is a requirement in this position. Please see the Hungarian version of the ad.
We are seeking to hire a junior research assistant - Roma policy fellow
BI and the Romaversitas Foundation are seeking to hire a junior research assistant for a fixed term position.