What are the pre-conditions of good, data-driven public policy research? What can researchers learn from public policy-makers?


Budapest Institute researcher Petra Edina Reszkető will take part in the Practice Panel of the International Research Society for Public Management conference organized on April 4th 2023 in Budapest. 

The Practice Panel (SIG: Connecting researchers and practitioners for improved outcomes) offers a space for practitioners, policy makers and researchers to engage in a dialogue about the possibilities of cooperation. The Practice Panel held in Budapest will focus on lessons learnt from evidence-based public policy-making and on how public policy making influences the research agendas.

The list of the invited participants can be found here: https://irspm2023.exordo.com/programme/session/221

For more information on the conference see: https://www.irspm.org/list-of-panels-2023/conference-2023/conferences/p27